How to change DNS server Windows 11

How to change DNS server Windows 11

If individual websites on your computer are not opening even though they have not been blocked, and you see error messages “ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED”, “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN”. Then changing the DNS server in your connection settings may help.


Windows settings:

  • Open Settings using the Start menu or the Win+I shortcut.
  • Go to “Network and Internet”, then click on the type of connection for which you wish to change the DNS server.
  • If Wi-Fi network was selected, go to “Hardware properties” (for Ethernet connection there will be no this step).
  • Click the “Change” button under “DNS Server Assignment”.
  • Select “Manual” instead of “Automatic (DHCP)”.
  • Enable the connection types (IPv4 and/or IPv6) for which you want to set your DNS server addresses.
  • Specify the addresses of your preferred DNS server and an alternative DNS server.
  • Save the settings.
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Connection properties:

  • Right-click on the “Start” button and select “Run” and type “ncpa.cpl”.
  • In the connection list that opens, right-click on the connection whose DNS servers you want to change and select “Properties”.
  • In the list of connection components, select “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” or “IP version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” and click “Properties”.
  • Select “Use the following DNS server addresses”, to specify a preferred and alternative DNS server.
  • Apply the settings.