How to repost on TikTok?

How to repost on TikTok?

Reposting is the reposting of another author’s video within the social network itself or forwarded to other social networks or services. This allows users to share content with friends, family or acquaintances.


The number of reposts is a measure of an author’s popularity and the usefulness of his videos.


To do this, you need to do the following:


Step 1.
Open the app on your device by clicking on it. Next, log in to your account.

Step 2:
Find the video you are interested in.

Step 3:
Click on the arrow icon.

Step 4:
Choose where you want to repost (more than 20 methods available).

  How to see profile views on TikTok?


If you can’t repost:

  1. Check if you are on the user’s blacklist. If so, you will not be able to repost.
  2. If the user has deleted the content or restricted viewing, it will also be problematic to repost it. In the first case, there is nothing you can do. In the second case, you can use special services.
  3. An old version of the application is also a common cause. This causes malfunctions and errors. There is only one solution: check for updates and download them.